Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Movie Review - Drushyam...

Movie: Drushyam (Telugu)
Directed: Sripriya
Produced: D Suresh Babu/Rajkumar Sethupathi
Story: Jeethu Joseph
Music: Sharreth
Cast: Venkatesh/Meena/Nadiya/Naresh/Ravi Kale

          Drushyam (Visual) - Tagged with a line 'Visuals can be deceiving', this story aptly revolves around this statement. It is true that; providing unwarranted freedom to children can be deceiving the parents, befriending some stranger can be deceiving the trust, being caring can be viewed as possessive, being calculative can be seen as stingy... Well; the movie deals very well, with the adverse effects of advent of technology, blindfold parenting, positive usage of movie watching, strength of goodwill and willpower, happiness of a small family, ugliness of an uninvited guest and subsequent consequences. A bright effort to deal with a dark issue in society and stark reality, with a light yet strong message. Watch it, for better visualization and bitter realization.

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